The Values We Champion


They spell out the word PEACE!

Prize the Gospel
The Gospel is the beautiful, powerful and true story of God’s love for His creation and His people. We become children of the living God through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. And we have certainty that all that Jesus did in living the life we should have lived and dying the death we deserved to die was approved and accepted by God because of The Resurrection. Ascended and reigning in heaven, Jesus will return to make all things new! We want the gospel of Jesus to be the very center and core of who we are and what we do. The gospel is the power of God to give us a new identity in Christ and propel us with him into mission in the world.

Exemplify Friendship and Hospitality
Jesus said to his disciples, I no longer call you servants but friends. We seek to embody Jesus’ own approach of making friends and welcoming everyone. The gospel means that despite being enemies and strangers to God, he became our friend. This is why we are called to practice hospitality (Rom 12:3). We should even pursue the love of strangers (Heb 13:2) and not just hang out with our best friends.

Aim for the Heart
God has promised to take away our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh. We desire to see the gospel change our hearts by helping us grow down in emotional health and out in relational wisdom. It is from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks, the mind thinks and the body takes action. Therefore, heart-level engagement is fundamental to bring the gospel to bear to the deepest levels of our being and critical to living out the gospel with joy, authenticity and depth.

Cultivate Habits of Grace
We are created in God’s image. We bear his likeness in body and soul. We desire to shape ourselves and our community by growing in gospel practices both personal and corporate. Chief among these practices are reading and studying God’s Word, intimate prayer and engaging our hearts around the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The means of grace have both public and private dimensions to be exercised and explored.

Embrace Our Limits As God has equipped us, we will focus on the essentials of being and doing church. We will seek to put into action the gifts God has given us. We have confidence that God is at work expanding his kingdom through other congregations with whom we seek alliances and partnerships for His name’s sake.