Our Vision


Lakeway Presbyterian Church exists to make much of Jesus and His Gospel and to plant churches that have the same commitment.

Our Area

Communities in the Lakeway area are greatly under-served by the work of the larger church to establish new church plants. The population centers in the suburbs and cities get far more attention. Situated between Knoxville and Johnson City, this part of East Tennessee is dotted by smaller towns and is known for its rural beauty. Yet, this area continues to grow steadily economically and in population. As the main town in a larger trade area of 120,000 people, Morristown is the key location to establish a resource church that could reach the smaller, outlying communities with future church plants.

Our Approach

Our desire is to plant a church that is a safe place for anyone (the un-churched, the de-churched, and those needing a church) to explore Christianity and grow in their understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him in community with others in the Lakeway area. We are here for the convinced and the unconvinced, for the lost, the found, the burned, the bored, the cynical and the spiritual. We open wide our doors no matter where people are in their faith journey.

Our Aim

Church planting is the most effective means to reach those who have not yet trusted Jesus. Church planting is about both evangelism and discipleship. The church is a community of friends who delight in the gospel of Jesus, are growing in His grace and willing to sacrifice for His kingdom. We also have the great privilege to partner and serve with Reformed University Fellowship at Carson-Newman University, reaching and serving the rising generations. We hope to build connections and partnerships with other area churches to reach the Lakeway area for King Jesus.

The Gospel of Jesus is why Lakeway Pres exists. It is the beautiful, powerful and true story of God’s love for His creation and His people. It is God’s goal to make all things new. We embrace The Gospel as our only comfort and hope. It is the very c…

The Gospel of Jesus is why Lakeway Pres exists. It is the beautiful, powerful and true story of God’s love for His creation and His people. It is God’s goal to make all things new. We embrace The Gospel as our only comfort and hope. It is the very center of our shared life. We affirm this gospel by declaring Christ has died, Christ is risen, and Christ will come again.

The gospel has been beautifully summarized as “adoption through propitiation”. Big words! Powerful truths! Adoption makes possible for the convict to become the child. How? Propitiation. Our debt paid in full by Jesus’ death, confirmed by his resurr…

The gospel has been beautifully summarized as “adoption through propitiation”. Big words! Powerful truths! Adoption makes possible for the convict to become the child. How? Propitiation. Our debt paid in full by Jesus’ death, confirmed by his resurrection. He took our sin. We get all that is his. This changes everything. and the Lakeway area.

Lakeway Pres is a family of people broken and ruined by the Fall yet redeemed by Christ and growing together in His love. We make much of Jesus and His gospel for the sake of the Lakeway area and beyond. Jesus and His gospel is our only and greatest…

Lakeway Pres is a family of people broken and ruined by the Fall yet redeemed by Christ and growing together in His love. We make much of Jesus and His gospel for the sake of the Lakeway area and beyond. Jesus and His gospel is our only and greatest hope. Because He first loved us, we rest in God’s love, we remind one another we are beloved and we reflect His love to our neighbors

OUR HOW - Worship, Friendship, Mission
The habits and repeated actions we do profoundly shape us. We spend our time doing the things we love. Because He first loved us, Lakeway Pres gathers for God-centered worship, forges life-giving friendships and equips our people to be in mission together with Jesus.