Re-Membering The Body

Re-Membering The Body

Claim: Every Christian who believes the Bible should become a member of a local church, wherever he or she lives, for however long, as quickly as possible

Does that statement rankle you or raise objections in your mind? If so, this article is written for you. But don’t worry; you’re not alone. Ambivalence toward formal church membership is increasingly common, and not without reasons…

More Than Friendly

More Than Friendly

And here is the crux of the matter, the church must be far more than just friendly. The church is dying with friendliness. Being friendly is not the same as being friends. And in church we are called to be friends with Jesus and friends with all whom he is calling into friendship with himself.

So how can we foster and embody friendship within our church plant. Here are some practices we can grow in by God’s grace and help.